Etusivu » Ajankohtaista » Koulutus- ja tapahtumakalenteri » Occupational safety card – Work safety training at Tampere Occupational safety card – Work safety training at Tampere 5.4. 9:00 - 17:00 Sokos Hotel Ilves The training is free for PAM members. We expect a commitment for all training periods. The training is held in English. The Occupational Safety Card has been developed to improve occupational safety at a common workplace. This course is designed to create safer, more efficient workplaces by fostering strong collaboration between client and supplier companies. This card is good to have when applying for jobs in Finland, especially in locations like airport, railways and many other! The objective of the Occupational Safety Card training is to improve practical cooperation between client and supplier companies at a common workplace, to support employee orientation at a common workplace and provide basic information on occupational health and safety. The course aims to raise interest and motivation in the occupational safety skills of personnel at workplaces and reduce occupational accidents, hazards and harmful workload. To earn the Occupational Safety Card, you must attend the full training, complete the course, and pass the safety test. The card is valid for five years. Before the training day you must complete an online tasks to qualify to take the test on the training day. Make sure your membership info is up to date and you have paid your membership dues. Lisätiedot Kesto 7h Kohderyhmä Jäsen Alue Tampere Tapahtuman luonne Lähiopetus Aihealue Työelämäosaaminen Ilmoittautuminen Ilmoittautuminen käynnissä Sijainti Sokos Hotel Ilves Lisätietoja sijainnista Sokos Hotel Ilves Yhteystieto,, Registration no later than 19th of March. Ilmoittaudu Lue seuraavaksi 14 maalis Valmistaudu muutosneuvotteluihin 14.3. - 14.3. Etäopetus 18 maalis Toimintavalmis työpaikka Pirkanmaa 18.3. - 18.3. Tampereen toimisto, Aleksis Kiven katu 18 B, 3. krs 19 maalis Pohjois-Suomen Ammattiosastojen puheenjohtajien Teams 19.3.2025 klo 17-18 19.3. - 19.3. TEAMS Näytä kaikki tapahtumat