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Last updated: 08.10.2024

Zero-hours contracts and on-demand workers

Zero-hours contracts (nollatuntisopimukset) are not allowed in PAM’s collective agreement sectors. The employment contract must always state minimum working hours.

A zero-hours contract is an employment contract which has zero hours as the minimum working hours: for example, the working hours are 0–40 hours/week.  

On-demand workers (tarvittaessa töihin kutsuttavat) 

The employment contract can be written so that the worker is an on-demand worker. This means that the worker agrees to come to work only when called. If the worker only comes to work when called, each working period is a separate fixed-term employment relationship.  

Each of these periods must be legally justified. If the employer really needs a worker all the time, this type of contract is illegal. The worker then has the right to refuse the offered working periods. 

If the worker’s shifts are listed in a roster and the worker can not refuse to do the shifts, this proves that the worker is really a part-time worker, and minimum working hours must be agreed in the contract. 

For a real on-demand contract, all four of the following criteria must be met

  • Each shift is agreed separately with the worker 
  • The worker has the right to not take a shift 
  • The work is not regular (not every day or every week) 
