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Union Congress

The union congress is held every four years and is the highest decision-making body in PAM. The congress defines PAM’s objectives and approves the priority action programme.  The congress also elects the union’s President, the personal deputy of the chairman of the Executive Committee, the Executive Committee and the Council.

Delegates for the 2023 Union congress and other congress visitors in the congress hall. Picture: Pasi Hakala.

News related to the Union Congress

Delegates to union congress have been elected

329 members were elected as delegates to the union congress, and 183 of them are first timers.

Nearly 60 percent of the elected delegates represent the commerce sector. Twenty percent represent the hotel, restaurant and leisure industry, and 17 percent property services and private security sectors. There are also delegates elected from specialty industries, such as pharmacy and casino services.

Two thirds of the elected delegates are women. The mean age of delegates is 46 years, the youngest being 22 years and the oldest 65 years of age.

The PAM union congress elections were held on 28 August to 15 September as electronic elections. PAM’s Executive Committee confirmed the election result on Thursday, 21 September 2023.

Election result per district

You find the elected delegates, deputy delegates and the candidates that were not elected below (pdf). The elected delegates marked with gray.

01 Ahvenanmaa
02 Etelä-Karjala
03 Etelä-Pohjanmaa
04 Etelä-Savo
05 Häme
06 Kainuu
07 Keski-Pohjanmaa
08 Keski-Suomi
09 Kymenlaakso
10 Lappi
11 Pirkanmaa
12 Pohjanmaa
13 Pohjois-Karjala
14 Pohjois-Pohjanmaa
15 Pohjois-Savo
16 Päijät-Häme
17 Satakunta
18 Uusimaa
19 Valtakunnallinen
20 Varsinais-Suomi

Union congress decides on PAM’s priorities and chooses the union’s leadership

The next step in the preparations for the union congress are made among the delegates. They will get training and information about meeting’s procedures and practicalities and get to acquaint themselves with the congress materials such as the priority action programme to be adopted at the congress. The union congress also selects PAM’s President and the personal deputy of the President as well as members of the Executive Committee and Council. 

Union congress timetable

Spring 2023

Autumn 2023
