Home » STOP now! demonstration on 1 February in Helsinki – come along! News 15.01.2024 17:25 STOP now! demonstration on 1 February in Helsinki – come along! Finland’s leading employee confederations SAK and STTK are arranging a major STOP now! demonstration to protest against government cuts in working conditions and social welfare. The demonstration will take place in Helsinki Senate Square from 12.00 to 14.00 on Thursday 1 February. The trade unions have stressed the severe human impact of the many changes in legislation that cut unemployment and social security, restrict the right to strike and weaken terms of employment. The SAK and trade unions are worried about the consequences for individuals and the labour market. But the government has not taken these concerns seriously and has not agreed to true dialogue with workers and the trade union movement. Therefore, SAK and STTK are accordingly calling on all individuals and civil society organisations who are concerned about this government policy to join the demonstration. The common message from the unions and their allies to a government seeking cuts in working conditions and public wellbeing is to suspend these preparations at once. —The first cuts affecting the unemployed have already taken effect and the government is already preparing further measures. Weaker job security, unpaid sick leave and restrictions on the right to strike are just around the corner. The attack on employee rights will enable a massive increase of social inequality in Finland,” says SAK President Jarkko Eloranta. PAM President Annika Rönni-Sällinen encourages everyone to take part in the demonstration. —No previous government has ignored workers as this government does in its policies. Now it’s time to show that we won’t accept it. Bus transport from provincial centres will be arranged for demonstrators attending from other parts of Finland. Food and programme events will also be arranged at Helsinki Senate Square. Several civil society organisations have already declared their intention to join the demonstration. Read more about the demonstration Keywords: legislation politics Unemployment security What did you think of this content? Reaktio(Required) This was useful I really liked this content I did not understand This was not useful Comment (optional) Share Read next Press releases collective agreement politics Are employees in low-wage sectors threatened by weaker protection from dismissal? 26.2.2025 Articles income legislation Changes to housing allowance in 2025 – Means testing and changes to municipal categories affect many recipients 14.2.2025 Articles legislation occupational safety “Keeping hands to yourself” 11.12.2024
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