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29.08.2024 17:57

Rahim Alizada, PAM’s new network worker: “I want to promote immigrants’ inclusion in society”

Rahim Alizada started working at PAM in August, and his task for the fall is to launch a peer network for immigrants in the Pirkanmaa region.

Rahim Alizada, who came to Finland from Afghanistan at the age of ten, has been an active participant in various organizations for nearly ten years.

— I am passionate about work where I can make a difference in people’s lives, says Alizada.

Alizada brings with him a broad network of contacts within different immigrant communities. Before joining PAM, Alizada  has worked at refugee centres and been involved in several projects focused on supporting and integrating immigrants.

— In this job, I can practically apply my knowledge, skills, networks, and experience, he says enthusiastically.

PAM’s union congress strongly advocated for diversity and against discrimination. Therefore, one of the union’s strategic goals is to develop all its activities to promote the participation, service needs, and status of immigrants in the labor market. This also includes developing new operational models and training programs.

Alizada ‘s goal is to promote the inclusion of immigrants in society.

— I hope that through my work, immigrants can feel like they are part of society and live safe and good lives.

Alizada’s work at PAM is just beginning, but he is eagerly looking forward to the challenges ahead.

PAM’s peer networks for immigrants

The first of PAM’s immigrant network activities started in the spring of 2024 in Helsinki. During the fall, network activities will begin in Southwest Finland in the Turku area and in Pirkanmaa in the Tampere area.

All immigrants working in the service sectors are welcome to join. The activities of the networks are shaped by the participants, based on their shared needs and wishes.


