Home » PAM rejected mediation proposal – third facility services sector strikes begins Thursday and threaten to expand to whole industry on week 15 News 29.03.2023 11:21 PAM rejected mediation proposal – third facility services sector strikes begins Thursday and threaten to expand to whole industry on week 15 Service Union United PAM and Real Estate Employers both rejected the third mediation proposal by the National Conciliator in the facility services sector labour dispute. The third strike starts tomorrow Thursday, 30 March. In addition, PAM’s executive committee has decided new strikes, that would start on 13 April. “Cleaners and caretakers with low wages deserve proper pay rises. This proposal as a whole was not a sufficient”, says PAM president Annika Rönni-Sällinen. The minimum wage for a full-time cleaner is 1809 euros per month (pay level 2). Many in the industry work part-time involuntarily and thus have very small or insecure incomes. Two new strike warnings for week 15 The third strike in facility services sector starts Thursday, 30 March and ends on Saturday, 1 April. About 27 000 workers at 18 major companies are part of the work stoppage. More on the strike week 13. In addition, PAM’s Executive Committee has decided on two new strikes in the facility services sector. Unless an agreement can be reached beforehand, all facility services sector work at all companies in the industry is on strike for two days, from 13 April at midnight to 14 April at midnight. After this, a strike starts on 15 April and continues until further notice at these seven companies: ISS Palvelut Oy L&T Kiinteistöhuolto Oy L&T Siivous Oy L&T Teollisuuspalvelut Oy RTK-Palvelu Oy SOL Kiinteistöpalvelut Oy SOL Palvelut Oy More on the facility services sector strikes here > PAM and Real Estate Employers started negotiation on new collective agreement in January. The previous collective agreement ended on 28 February. Keywords: collective bargaining industrial action property services sector What did you think of this content? Reaktio(Required) This was useful I really liked this content I did not understand This was not useful Comment (optional) Share Read next Press releases collective bargaining ski centres New collective agreement approved for ski centers – wages will increase by 7.8% over the three-year agreement period 10.3.2025 News collective bargaining property services sector Property services sector collective agreement negotiations continue 7.3.2025 News collective bargaining income property services sector Worrying messages from the property services sector: “Life is just about surviving, and there’s no money for anything extra” 6.3.2025
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