Home » New strike warning in facility services sector: 25 000 cleaners and janitors to go on strike News 08.03.2023 14:59 New strike warning in facility services sector: 25 000 cleaners and janitors to go on strike Service Union United PAM decided on a new strike in the facility services, that targets the largest companies in the industry. The strike will take place on 23-24 March, unless agreement on pay increases and terms of employment can be reached beforehand. The strike extends to roughly 25 000 workers at 16 companies. “Facility service sector workers do valuable work, for which they deserve fair compensation. The rising prices have hit low wage workers hard and they really need decent pay increases”, says PAM President Annika Rönni-Sällinen. PAM and Real Estate Employers negotiated wages and employment conditions for the sector since January. The parties’ views on the level of pay rises remained too far apart, and therefore PAM previously gave notice of strike on 16-18 March at hundreds of work sites. Strike week 12 Unless agreement can be reached before then, strikes start on Thursday 23 March at 00.00hh and end on Friday, 24 March at 24.00h or at the end of a shift that started before 24.00h. The strikes are on work that is covered by the facilities services sector collective agreement at these companies: Akseli Kiinteistöpalvelut Oy Coor service management Oy Delete Finland Oy Eskolanmäen kiinteistöpalvelut Oy Hakunilan Huolto Oy HH-Kiinteistöpalvelut Oy ISS Palvelut Oy Kajaanin huoltokeskus Oy Kotikatu Oy L&T Kiinteistöhuolto Oy L&T Siivous Oy L&T Teollisuuspalvelut Oy Rovanapa Oy RTK-Palvelut Oy Siskon siivous Oy SOL Palvelut Oy The work stoppages are not aimed at emergency work or functions where a strike would pose a threat to life, health, property, or the environment. Employers must seek exemptions for emergency work from PAM. The following sites or functions are not strike targets (no need to seek exemption): Sites where animals are slaughtered. Cleaning connected to surgical procedures in specialised healthcare. Cleaning and maintenance at sites of energy production. More information and strike sites here > Keywords: collective bargaining industrial action property services sector What did you think of this content? Reaktio(Required) This was useful I really liked this content I did not understand This was not useful Comment (optional) Share Read next News collective bargaining property services sector Intensive negotiations in the property services sector this week – important issues for employees on the table 14.3.2025 Press releases collective bargaining ski centres New collective agreement approved for ski centers – wages will increase by 7.8% over the three-year agreement period 10.3.2025 News collective bargaining property services sector Property services sector collective agreement negotiations continue 7.3.2025
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