Home » “Let’s behave” campaign combatting inappropriate behaviour together News 01.12.2023 08:00 “Let’s behave” campaign combatting inappropriate behaviour together Service Union United PAM’s and the Finnish Commerce Federation’s Let’s behave (Ollaan ihmisiksi) campaign seeks to awaken consumers to think about their own role in enhancing the occupational well-being of salespersons and customer service professionals. There has been an increase in customers’ inappropriate behaviour towards customer service professionals. According to research, customers’ inappropriate behaviour towards salespersons and customer service professionals has increased in the industry. Unfortunately, many professionals in the commerce sector are still faced with inappropriate behaviour in their work. —The campaign is still very topical, as the verbal abuse, sexual harassment and other threatening behaviour encountered at work affect those working in customer service extensively. Cyberbullying has also brought new forms of inappropriate behaviour as customer service professionals may be filmed, and the videos are distributed on social media with unpleasant texts, says Erika Kähärä, Occupational Health and Safety Advisor at Service Union United PAM. The Let’s behave campaign that takes place during Christmastime seeks to awaken citizens to think about their own role in enhancing the occupational well-being of customer service professionals. —Commerce is the largest employer in the economy and the largest employer of young people. Ensuring positive working life experiences for young people who are only at the beginning of their careers is particularly important. For employers, it is also a question of personnel health and safety at work and, in a broader sense, it is a question of responsibility, says Anna Lavikkala, Labour Market Director at the Finnish Commerce Federation. Let’s respect each others’ work The aim of the campaign is to make the consumer see and encounter people working in customer service as equals and to promote the well-being generated by positive encounters. —Behind a smooth customer experience is a lot of invisible work – and people. All diverse and equally valuable. These people are also mothers, sons or other loved ones, whose feelings one could identify with, Lavikkala says. The organisations recommend that people maintain a relaxed Christmas cheer when shopping. —The work and competence of customer service should be respected. A positive cycle is created when employees feel good and the customer has a positive service experience, Kähärä reminds. The Let’s behave – Ollaan ihmisiksi campaign is visible on social media and in stores during December and the days between Christmas and New Year. The campaign website has information about the campaign, campaign materials, related studies, guides and online trainings produced by PAM and the Finnish Commerce Federation for companies. Go to ollaanihmisiksi.fi On social media, the follow #ollaanihmisiksi, #vänligtbemött and #letsbehave. Keywords: occupational safety What did you think of this content? Reaktio(Required) This was useful I really liked this content I did not understand This was not useful Comment (optional) Share Read next Articles legislation occupational safety “Keeping hands to yourself” 11.12.2024 News collective bargaining membership occupational safety PAM's governing bodies PAM Council resolution: The reduced purchasing power must be restored and the feeling of security strengthened in working life 26.11.2024 News hotel and restaurant industry occupational safety supervisors in hotel and restaurant industry A new guide on dealing with harassment in the tourism and hospitality sector 6.11.2024
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