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18.03.2025 16:12

Importance of work-based immigration for Finland – PAM part of campaign

The Immigration is national interest campaign provides fact-based information about the role of immigration in Finnish society and working life.

PAM is taking part in the Immigration is national interest campaign, which started in March. The campaign aims to correct misconceptions and share information about the importance of work-based immigration for Finland.

Why is PAM involved?

Many PAM members have a migrant background and work in different service sectors that PAM represents. Their contribution is essential for keeping society running and supporting economic activity. Finland’s population is ageing, and the number of working-age people is decreasing. Without migrant workers, many industries would already be facing labour shortages.

Marjut Pihonen, project coordinator for PAM’s migrant project, highlights how the campaign is especially important for promoting positive attitudes and good practices in workplaces.

PAMin projektikoordinaattori Marjut Pihonen
Marjut Pihonen says attitudes need to change.

— Migrant workers come to Finland to do hard work and earn a living. It is important that workplaces are welcoming and treat all workers equally.

— Attitudes need to change. Everyone in a workplace can help ensure that migrants do not face discrimination or prejudice but are instead seen as valued workers and colleagues, Pihonen adds.

What message does the campaign want to share?

The campaign aims to raise awareness about the importance of immigration and the different types of work-based migration. Migrant workers are needed in many sectors, both in specialist roles and in practical jobs.

As a trade union, PAM also wants to remind people that migrant workers have the same rights as Finnish workers. Those in more vulnerable positions must not be exploited in working life.

What does the campaign hope to achieve?

  • Highlight the facts: Work-based immigration is essential for the economy and public services.
  • Encourage constructive discussion: The campaign promotes fact-based and meaningful conversations about work and immigration.
  • Influence decision-making: The goal is to ensure that work-based immigration is considered in future labour market and economic policies.

Where can you see the campaign?

  • On the campaign website:
  • On social media: #RakennetaanSuomea
  • In outdoor advertising
  • In opinion pieces
  • At events

Who is behind the campaign?

The campaign is organised by Shortcut, a group within Startup Foundation. Many different organisations support it, including technology companies, public sector bodies, businesses, and associations.

Text: Minttu Sallinen
Photo: Anna Autio


economy immigration

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