Home » Any changes to your membership information? Articles 08.01.2024 12:45 Any changes to your membership information? Have you changed jobs, taken family leave or started a study break? If there have been changes to your membership information, please remember to let us know. Once your details are updated, we can serve you as best as possible. In PAM’s e-service, you can easily check and change your personal data. For example, if you have changed jobs or your professional title has changed, remember to let us know. Also report unpaid leave, for example parental leave, time in military or community service or if you become a full-time student. In the eService, you can also update your contact details, such as your e-mail address or your telephone number. When your details are updated, you will receive up-to-date information on matters concerning your industry and the services the union offers. Log in to the eService Have you changed or about to change jobs? If you change jobs, it is easiest to let the employer deduct the membership fee directly from your salary. That way you don’t have to calculate the membership fee yourself from the monthly gross income. If this is not possible for some reason, you can also pay your membership fee in our e-service or with an e-invoice. You can activate the e-invoice via your online bank. This means that you automatically receive a monthly e-invoice to your online bank with the correct reference. Read more on paying membership fee. Problems with paying the membership fee? PAM’s membership fee is 1.5% of your wages before taxes including holiday pay and allowance. If you need help with matters related to your membership fee, feel free to contact us through PAM’s eService and we will help you! You can also call our member service, tel. 030 100 630 Mon-Fri 10 am-2 pm. Membership fee references for 2024 References have been sent to all self-paying members. They are also available in electronic format in the eService. Log in to eService Keywords: membership What did you think of this content? Reaktio(Required) This was useful I really liked this content I did not understand This was not useful Comment (optional) Share Read next Articles collective agreement commerce sector membership supervisors in retail Increased wages, better security and more flexibility in everyday life 10.3.2025 Articles membership Job searching starts with self-reflection 13.2.2025 Articles hotel and restaurant industry membership PAM member won in court: Cook awarded over 60,000 euros in compensation and unpaid wages 9.1.2025
Articles collective agreement commerce sector membership supervisors in retail Increased wages, better security and more flexibility in everyday life 10.3.2025
Articles hotel and restaurant industry membership PAM member won in court: Cook awarded over 60,000 euros in compensation and unpaid wages 9.1.2025