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Last updated: 05.06.2024

The impact of mid-week public holidays on the work and on the annual holiday

The working time, extra pay, and holiday rules for Christmas, New Year, Epiphany and Easter are different in different collective agreement sectors. In all collective agreement sectors, there are special rules for these that differ from normal everyday work.

Mid-week public holidays are not automatically free for all. Independence Day is the only mid-week holiday that will always be free, based on the law, when the day would have otherwise been a working day for the worker.

100% extra will be paid for work that is done on Sundays, religious holidays, 1 May, and Finnish Independence Day (6 December).

Religious holidays are:

  • Christmas Day (25 December)
  • Boxing Day (26 December)
  • New Year’s Day (1 January)
  • The Epiphany (6 January)
  • Good Friday
  • Easter Sunday
  • Easter Monday
  • Ascension Day
  • Whitsunday (Pentecost)
  • Midsummer Day
  • All Saints’ Day.

1 May and Independence Day are not religious holidays, but are similar.

PAM has made an agreement with employer organisations on paid holidays that workers will get in connection with mid-week public holidays. The number of free days and the pay for them are different in different sectors. In the collective agreements made by PAM, these are called reduction in working time (työajan lyhennys).

Click here to read more about reduction in working time in different sectors.

Midsummer checklist

Are you working during Midsummer?

Rules and extra pay in different sectors

See rules for working time, days off and extra pay for weekday public holidays in collective agreement for your sector.

Read more
