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Learn new things and network with other service sector employees in PAM’s training courses! Take a look at our courses and sign up.

PAM’s training courses develop the skills you need at work

PAM offers a large variety of courses that will help answer many of your questions and will give you various work skills. In the courses, you will develop your competence and working life skills that will help you succeed in your career, increase your wellbeing and cope better. In addition, there are plenty of webinars on topical issues in working life and to support your personal life.

All PAM’s training courses can be found in the training and event calendar (in Finnish). Check out the training and courses and sign up by clicking on the registration link of the appropriate training.

Take a look at our courses and sign up

PAM’s training is free for members

PAM pays for the training it organises, catering according to the programme of the course days, travel costs and accommodation if necessary.

Remember to always let us know if you are unable to attend the training, or we will have to charge you for some of the training costs.

PAM networks welcome everyone

PAM networks are places where immigrants working in service sectors can share experiences, learn together, and change working life for the better. What exactly does the network do? That’s up to you!

Upcoming trainings

Toimintavalmis työpaikka Pirkanmaa
18.3. – 18.3.
Tampereen toimisto, Aleksis Kiven katu 18 B, 3. krs
Pohjois-Suomen Ammattiosastojen puheenjohtajien Teams 19.3.2025 klo 17-18
19.3. – 19.3.
Webinaari luottamushenkilöille – Osa-aikatyö ja päivärahan hakeminen
21.3. – 21.3.
