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Recommend membership to your courier friend!

At the moment couriers lack the basic rights at work in Finland that workers in other sectors have enjoyed for decades. We believe that couriers deserve basic rights, and that’s why we need a collective agreement.

Recommend membership in PAM – you are rewarded with gift vouchers

We reward members that recommend membership in PAM Couriers Finland.

When your friend joins, you can choose from a S-group, Lidl or K-group gift voucher. One new member earns you a €10 voucher, while you get a €250 voucher for five new members.

Your friends benefit too – they get union services and great member benefits such as career coaching.

Recommending membership is easy! You can send a pre-written message to your friends through WhatsApp, Messenger or whatever app you use with friends. You can recommend PAM to, friends and relatives that work as couriers.

Recommend membership in PAM – you are rewarded with gift vouchers

We reward members that recommend membership in PAM Couriers Finland. When your friend joins, you can choose from a S-group, Lidl or K-group gift voucher. One new member earns you a €10 voucher, while you get a €250 voucher for five new members.

Your friends benefit too – they get union services and great member benefits such as career coaching.

Recommending membership is easy! You can send a pre-written message to your friends through WhatsApp, Messenger or whatever app you use with friends. You can recommend PAM to, friends and relatives that work as couriers.

Periods in 2024: 1 January–30April, 1  May–31August and 1 September-31 December.

1 member€10 gift card  
2 members€20 gift card
3 members€30 gift card
4 members€40 gift card 
5 members€250 gift card
6 members€260 gift card
7 members€270 gift card
8 members€280 gift card
9 members€290 gift card 
10 members€500 gift card
11 members€510 gift card

Recommending is easy!

Copy this text and send to a friend through WhatsApp, Messenger or whatever app you use.

Hi! I’m a member of PAM and I think you should join too. Couriers need fair terms and PAM is on our side. And you get great member benefits. The membership fee for couriers is just 10 euros per month in 2024. The calendar month you join is free.

Join here: PAM for Couriers – PAM

Remember to add my info in the application form.
Membership number or date of birth:
