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High-quality employment services help the unemployed actively seek a job. High-quality employment relationships also make the service sectors attractive to jobseekers. Finland’s strengths include a socially sustainable labour market, which must be maintained to attract workers from Finland and abroad.

Our goals

  • High-quality public employment services for unemployed people, regardless of their place of residence
  • High-quality employment relationships to prevent employment mismatch.
  • Socially sustainable working life

One of PAM’s goals is that unemployed jobseekers are provided with high-quality public employment services to help them find new jobs. The role of public employment services is to support customers in their active job search, regardless of their place of residence, with consistently high quality.

Good working life is part of good employment management.

Employment mismatch – the fact that information about job vacancies in a specific sector does not reach jobseekers in that sector – is mainly explained by the increase in atypical employment.

The aim is to have high-quality employment relationships with wages that ensure a decent quality of life. Working part-time when part-time employment is not the worker’s own choice reduces income. It is PAM’s view that part-time workers’ right to additional work should be strengthened by law. This would improve the workers’ opportunities for full-time employment with their current employer.

More attention must be paid to the quality of working life as part of employment management. The best way to make the service sectors more attractive is to improve wages and ensure employees’ coping and well-being at work. Over the last ten years, a sense of hurry and mental and physical stress have increased significantly in the sectors covered by PAM.

PAM is calling for social sustainability in working life, which requires common agreements and rules. A collective agreement between trade unions and employers’ associations is an agreement on a socially sustainable working life.

Any questions? Contact our experts!

Antti Veirto

Antti Veirto

tutkimuspäällikkö, Ennakoiva työehtotoiminta -osasto
  • Tutkimustoiminta, tilastotoiminta, työvoimapolitiikka
  • Yhteiskuntapoliittinen yksikkö
  • Keskustoimisto
