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PAM in brief

Service Union United PAM is a trade union for people working in private service sectors. Our union has 190,000 members, two thirds of whom are women. Most of our members work in retail, the hotel, restaurant and leisure industry, property services and security services.

We negotiate collective agreements for service sectors. We improve the impact of employees on work, the workplace community, safety at work and business development. We promote democracy, fairness and social security nationally and internationally.

PAM safeguards its members’ interests

  • We bring together and unite workers in service sectors.
  • We provide our members with support and security in working life.
  • We negotiate collective agreements for service sectors and monitor their implementation.
  • We influence labour legislation.
  • We promote union representatives’ lobbying and other activities in the workplace.

PAM in figures

190 000


20 000

new members in 2022

71 %


25 %

aged under 31

2 136

union representatives


local branches


collective agreements



Governance at PAM

Held every four years, the Union Congress is the highest decision-making body at PAM. The Union Congress determines the union’s goals and adopts its action programme. The Union Congress elects

At the Union Congress, decisions are made by members of the union who have been elected as representatives before the congress.

The Union Congress assesses the union’s operations and direction and decides on future activities by setting an agenda of goals. It elects people to serve in the administration and positions of trust in the union. It also deals with initiatives submitted by local branches.

Attendees of the Union Congress are elected from among the members

The number of representatives at the Union Congress is proportionate to the number of members: one representative for every 600 members in an electoral district or remaining factor thereof. The representatives are elected in the Union Congress elections. All members except student and pensioner members and holders of salaried positions in the union have the right to vote and to stand as a candidate in the elections.

The next Union Congress will be held in Jyväskylä on 24 to 26 October 2023. 


The Council exercises decision-making power at PAM in matters that do not fall under the decision-making power of the Union Congress or the Executive Committee based on the rules of the union or the law. The Council decides on:

The Council convenes twice a year, and its term of office is four years. The spring meeting is held in May–June, and the autumn meeting in November–December. 

The members of the Council are elected at the Union Congress. They represent members of PAM from different parts of Finland and different professions.

The Council consists of the Chair, two Vice Chairs, 50 members and 10 general deputy members.

Each member of the Council has three personal deputy members. The members are elected taking into account the regions, professions and membership structure.

Council 2023-2027

Council Chair: Sami Viitasaari
Council 1. Vice Chair: Christa Pessi
Council 2. Vice Chair: Suvi Röntynen

All members and deputy members of the Council (pdf)

Initiatives to the PAM Council

The right to propose initiatives for the council meetings belongs to the union’s branches, associate members, and council members. This right also extends to individual members of a local union eligible for election under section 5, paragraph 13, provided they are a group of fifty (50) members adhering to the specific format requirements set by the Executive Committee. Initiatives must be submitted to the Executive Committee no later than two (2) months before the council meeting.

Initiatives should be submitted through Aloiterekisteri, where you can also read about initiatives that have already been processed (käsitellyt aloitteet). If necessary, you can contact the administrative secretary at

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee guides the practical work of the union. It is responsible for the progress of the implementation of the decisions made by the Union Congress and for managing the union’s operations.

The Executive Committee:

The Executive Committee selects the union’s Executive Director and holders of supervisory positions and appoints its Management Group. It is also responsible for the implementation of the Union Congress elections.

The Executive Committee has 11 meetings per year on average. Its term of office is four years.

The members of the Executive Committee are elected by the Union Congress. The Executive Committee consists of the Chair (Union President), her or his personal deputy member, 15 members and three general deputy members.

If changes need to be made to the composition of the Executive Committee between Union Congresses, the election is made by the Council.

The members of the Executive Committee participate in Council meetings and are involved in local planning in their respective regions. Some members of the Executive Committee are also members of the sector commissions in their respective fields.

PAM Executive Committee 2023-2027

Annika Rönni-Sällinen, President

Risto Kalliorinne, personal deputy of the President in the Executive Committee


Johanna Buska
Tuuli Elokannas
Ulla Fagerström
Marjo Korhonen
Piia Kyrö
Heikki Laakkonen
Jenni Lehikoinen
Merja Lehto
Marko Lähdesniemi
Hanna Puhakka
Lassi Rantanen
Mikko Ruokonen
Kaisamari Sahlman
Arja Vakkuri
Päivi Vehmas

General deputies:

Liisa Tamminen
Ulla Leskinen
Melina Mäkelä

Union President

The Chair of the Executive Committee serves as PAM’s Union President. The Union President is elected at the Union Congress, which is held every four years. The Union President is a full-time employee, and a personal deputy member is elected for her or him.

The Union President presides over the Executive Committee, which:

Annika Rönni-Sällinen has served as the Union President since 2019. Before that, she served as a negotiations manager at PAM and a department manager at SAK, among other positions.

Agreement Sector Commission

PAM has 25 Agreement Sector Commissions. The Commissions are expert bodies in service of the PAM Executive Committee. The Agreement Sector Commissions prepare and discuss topical matters in their sector.

Alkon sopimusalatoimikunta

Höttönen Jukka, Alko, Jyväskylä 
Turunen Antti, Alko, Helsinki 
Vaetoja Sakari , Alko, Pori 

Apteekin sopimusalatoimikunta

Holopainen Maarit, Valkeakosken uusi apteekki, Valkeakoski 
Kuikka Ismo, Yliopiston apteekki, Helsinki 
Seilonen Tarja, Kuhmon apteekki, Kuhmo 
Vehmaslahti Leena, Punavuoren apteekki, Helsinki 

Asiakaspalvelu- ja telemarkkinointialan sopimusalatoimikunta

Heinonen Susanna, Vakka-Suomen Puhelin Oy, Uusikaupunki
Kosonen Joni, Moment Digital Oy, Iisalmi 
Lindbom Mari, Teleperformance Finland Oy, Tampere 

Elokuvateatterialan sopimusalatoimikunta

Dunderfelt Jan, Finnkino Oy,  Helsinki 
Kelaranta Jouni, Finnkino Oy,  Espoo 

Hiihtokeskusalan sopimusalatoimikunta  

Bergström Anne, Tahkovuori, Nilsiä 
Buckman Mari, Oy Levi Ski Resort LDT, Sirkka 
Hiironen Milla, Ylläs, Ylläsjärvi 
Komulainen Jari, Vuokatti, Sotkamo 
Nevanperä Kimmo, Rukan hiihtokeskus, Kuusamo 

Hiusalan sopimusalatoimikunta 

Malin Cia , Kymen seudun osuuskauppa, Kotka 
Maunula-Sairanen Katja , Shortcut Flow, Helsinki 
Parjanen Tiina , Etelä-Pohjanmaan Osuuskauppa, Seinäjoki 
Ruusunen Marika , Tormenta oy (Hairlekiini), Joensuu 

Huvipuistoalan sopimusalatoimikunta 

Blomqvist Jaakko, Särkänniemen huvipuisto, Tampere 
Hautalahti Hannu, Puuharyhmä Oyj/ Tropiclandia, Vaasa              
Saarela Markku, Lasten päivän säätiö (Linnanmäki), Helsinki 

Junapalveluhenkilökunnan sopimusalatoimikunta

Niemistö Maria, Avecra Oy, Koskenkorva 
Pihlajamaa Tuula, Avecra Oy,  Akaa 
Suvi Ylönen, Avecra Oy, Imatra

Kaupan esihenkilöiden sopimusalatoimikunta

Leskelä Petri, Stockmann Oyj Abp, Espoo 
Suvivirta Satu, IKEA Oy, Kuopio 
Toivainen Reetta, Lidl Suomi Ky, Espoo 
Turunen Timo, Onninen Oy, Helsinki 

Kaupan myyjien sopimusalatoimikunta

Hyppölä Laura, Osuuskauppa Varuboden-Osla Handelslag, Loviisa 
Itkonen Timi, Lidl Suomi Ky, Lahti 
Kuronen Anne, Kesko Oyj, Kemi 
Martins Saija, Normal Finland Oy, Jyväskylä 
Pölönen Jani, HOK-Elanto Liiketoiminta Oy, Helsinki 
Vainonen Juho, Puuilo Tavaratalot Oy, Kouvola 
Vuorela Raisa,  H & M Hennes & Mauritz Oy, Tampere 

Kaupan toimihenkilöiden sopimusalatoimikunta

Akkanen Anu, Suomen Osuuskauppojen Keskuskunta, Espoo 
Auravuo Minna, U-landshjälp från Folk till Folk i Finland sr (UFF), Helsinki 
Lehtonen Esa, Kesko Oyj, Mäntsälä 
Virta Samu, Oyj, Tampere 

Kaupan logistiikkatyöntekijöiden sopimusalatoimikunta 

Holm Jani, Postnord Oy, Tarvasjoki         
Kylämäki Kalle, Ahlsell Oy, Hyvinkää 
Nytorp Maija, Wihuri Oy, Nokia 
Pakarinen Aleksi, Inex Partners Oy, Helsinki 
Rova Timo, Kesko Oyj, Rovaniemi 
Ylä-Jääski Petri, Be Group Oy Ab, Lahti                  

Kiinteistöpalvelualan sopimusalatoimikunta  

Autio Niina, Coor Service Management Oy, Oulu 
Hoffren Jukka, RTK-Palvelu Oy, Kontiolahti 
Ikonen Lea, ISS Palvelut Oy, Virolahti 
Killström Erja , L&T Kiinteistöhuolto Oy, Turku 
Kojo Hanna-Marina, L&T Siivous Oy, Lappeenranta
Mikkonen Jonna, ISS Palvelut Oy, Oulu 
Mäkilä Arvo, SOL Palvelut Oy, Turku 
Sundell Milla, ISS Palvelut Oy, Joensuu 

Marava, esihenkilöiden sopimusalatoimikunta  

Euro Matti, Sodexo, Vantaa 
Laakso Saara, Restel ravintolat Oy, Vantaa 
Oksa Hannamari, Momentin restaurants oy, Helsinki 
Piispanen Jussi, Scandic Hotels, Tampere 

Marava, työntekijöiden sopimusalatoimikunta

Ahinko Taina, Leijona Catering Oy, Forssa 
Eriksson Mats, Scandic Hotels Oy, Vöyri 
Huttunen Jenny, Helsingin Fastburger Oy, Turku 
Jakobson Tea, NoHo partners Oyj, Helsinki 
Koskinen Mira, Scandic Hotels Oy Espoo
Kuusisto Tiina, Juvenes Oy, Nokia 
Pyy Marko, Kymen Seudun Osuuskauppa, Kouvola 
Päätalo Petra, Osuuskauppa Arina, Oulu 
Tulisalo Markku, Etelä-Pohjanmaan Osuuskauppa, Seinäjoki 
Turunen Marjukka, Suur-Seudun Osuuskauppa, Salo 
Valtonen Pipsa, Espresso House Finland, Kokkola 

Muuttopalvelualan sopimusalatoimikunta 

Virtanen Pasi, Niemi Palvelut Oy, Vantaa 
Sairomaa Tomi, Muuttopalvelu Grundell Oy, Lahti 
Inkilä Teemu, Muuttopalvelu Grundell Oy, Kempele 

Ohjelmapalvelualan sopimusalatoimikunta

Himanen Sami, Ruka Experiences Oy, Kuusamo 
Lapinniemi Johanna,  Lapland Safaris Ac Oy, Rovaniemi 

Suomen Kansallisoopperan sopimusalatoimikunta 

Mättölä Esa, Suomen Kansallisooppera, Helsinki 
Vanninen Veera, Suomen Kansallisooppera, Helsinki 
Sarkkila Petri, Suomen Kansallisooppera, Helsinki 
Krohn-Markkanen Emma, Suomen Kansallisooppera, Porvoo 

Suomen Kansallisteatterin sopimusalatoimikunta 

Tikkala Tuoma, Suomen Kansallisteatteri, Helsinki 
Pollari Matti, Suomen Kansallisteatteri, Kirkkonummi 
Jekunen Anne, Suomen Kansallisteatteri, Helsinki 
Raitio Tomi, Suomen Kansallisteatteri, Helsinki 
Vellamo Tuomas, Suomen Kansallisteatteri, Helsinki 

Turvallisuusalan sopimusalatoimikunta 

Kaukinen Jani, Securitas Oy, Savitaipale 
Kymäläinen Sami, Nokas Finland Oy, Orivesi 
Laine Sampsa, Avarn Security Oy, Vantaa 
Lindgren Toni, Avarn Security Oy, Lahti 
Lohi Aleksi,  KV-Turva Oy, Muurame 
Loponen Veikko, Securitas Oy, Vilppula 

Veikkauksen sopimusalatoimikunta 

Könönen Jenny, Veikkaus Oy, Nurmijärvi 
Lindström Satu, Veikkaus Oy, Tampere 
Miettunen Markku, Veikkaus Oy, Rovaniemi 
Mäkinen Joni, Veikkaus Oy, Helsinki 

Union rules

Service Union United PAM is a trade union for people working in private service sectors. Its name is Palvelualojen ammattiliitto PAM ry in Finnish and Servicefacket PAM rf in Swedish.

The union is domiciled in Helsinki and operates across Finland. Its languages are Finnish and Swedish. The language of its minutes is Finnish.

PAM’s statutes

Model statutes for local branches

Procedure for union congress elections
