Etusivu » Ajankohtaista » Koulutus- ja tapahtumakalenteri » Hygienepass training for PAM members at Rovaniemi Hygienepass training for PAM members at Rovaniemi 11.11. 15:00 - 20:00 Rovaniemen toimisto, Rovakatu 8 The training is free for PAM members. We expect a commitment for all training periods. The training is held in English. The Hygiene Passport is a certificate to prove a person’s hygiene proficiency. The purpose of the Hygiene Passport is to promote general food safety. A person working in the food industry must know how to handle food in a safe and hygienic way. According to the Finnish Food Act, a Hygiene Passport is required if a person is handling unpackaged and perishable foods. A café, restaurant, canteen, kiosk, fast food restaurant, food shop, kindergarten or food processing factory are examples of workplaces where a Hygiene Passport is required The Hygiene Passport must be obtained within three months of starting work. These three months are calculated retroactively to also include such prior work in the food business, where a Hygiene Passport is required. The Hygiene Passport is valid until further notice. This means that the Hygiene Passport will not expire, unless a change in the law later changes the situation. More information: After the training, PAM collects feedback on the hygiene passport training, which helps in planning the next year’s training. * The training session does not include a test so the test is booked on the day of the training. The test can be taken in English or Finnish. Lisätiedot Kesto 7h Kohderyhmä Jäsen Alue Rovaniemi Tapahtuman luonne Lähiopetus Aihealue Työelämäosaaminen Ilmoittautuminen Ilmoittautuminen käynnissä Sijainti Rovaniemen toimisto, Rovakatu 8 Yhteystieto, Registration no later than 30th of October. Ilmoittaudu Lue seuraavaksi 18 maalis Toimintavalmis työpaikka Pirkanmaa 18.3. - 18.3. Tampereen toimisto, Aleksis Kiven katu 18 B, 3. krs 19 maalis Pohjois-Suomen Ammattiosastojen puheenjohtajien Teams 19.3.2025 klo 17-18 19.3. - 19.3. TEAMS 21 maalis Webinaari luottamushenkilöille – Osa-aikatyö ja päivärahan hakeminen 21.3. - 21.3. Etäopetus Näytä kaikki tapahtumat