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17.11.2022 13:23

Negotiations in ski resort sector broken off – work stoppage at six ski resorts

Service Union United PAM and the Finnish Hospitality Association MaRa conducted unsuccessful pay negotiations in October. After this there have been collective agreement negotiations, which PAM broke off today. Today PAM’s Executive Committee decided on a limited work stoppage at six ski resorts.

PAM’s President Annika Rönni-Sällinen considers that without the threat of industrial action no further progress will be made in the negotiations.

"The ski resort sector has been without an agreement since the beginning of November.  Based on the employers’ proposals, there were no longer conditions for negotiations and therefore we broke them off. Employees in the ski resort sector have deserved a pay rise and that’s why we are speeding up the negotiations with a limited work stoppage", says Rönni-Sällinen.


Work stoppage at ski resorts 1.-3.12.2022

Today PAM’s Executive Committee decided on a limited work stoppage in the ski resort sector affecting six ski resorts. The stoppage will start on 1 December 2022 at 4.00 pm and end on 3 December 2022 at midnight or at the end of the shift starting before then. The work stoppage affects employees covered by the collective agreement for the ski resort sector in the following ski resorts.

  • Rukakeskus Oy ski resort in Kuusamo
  • Huippupaikat Oy ski resorts in Kuopio (Tahko) and Sotkamo (Vuokatti)
  • Oy Levi Ski Resort Ltd ski resort in Kittilä
  • Pyhätunturi Oy ski resort in Kemijärvi
  • Hiihtokeskus Iso-Ylläs Oy ski resort in Kolari

Read more about the work stoppage in Finnish
