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An equal and non-discriminatory workplace

Parents must have equal rights and opportunities to care for their children. Everyone must have the right to work without violence and harassment.

Our goals 

  • Local family leave for all types of families 
  • Ratification of the ILO Violence and Harassment Convention 

Local family leave 

Parents must have equal rights and opportunities to care for their children, regardless of their gender. Local family leave arrangements must take different types of families into account. 

The goal is to involve fathers more in the first months of their children’s lives. This would also improve women’s position in the labour market, as the fact that women are absent from working life for long periods when they have children affects their careers in many ways. 

With the family leave reform in 2022, all parents, regardless of their gender, have equal rights to care for their new-born children. The reform also provided different types of families with new opportunities to share childcare responsibilities within the family. 

ILO Violence and Harassment Convention 

Everyone must have the right to work without violence and harassment. 

The International Labour Organization adopted the ILO Violence and Harassment Convention in 2019. The convention also covers the prevention of gender-based violence and harassment. 

An international agreement has great significance, as the concept of violence at work has previously been interpreted very differently around the world. It is essential that the same rights to non-violent working conditions apply everywhere. 

Many EU countries have ratified the agreement. It is PAM’s opinion that Finland should also ratify Convention C190 and Recommendation No. 206 without further delay.

Any questions? Contact our experts!

Merja Vihersalo

Merja Vihersalo

työympäristö- ja tasa-arvoasiantuntija, Ennakoiva työehtotoiminta -osasto
  • Työsuojelu, tasa-arvo ja yhdenvertaisuus
  • Sopimusyksikkö
  • Keskustoimisto
